The Body, How Amazing!

     Have you ever wondered why our finger pads wrinkle when they are exposed to water for a certain amount of time?  Scientists thought they had figured out the right answer – osmosis.  They thought our fingers absorbed water and that caused the wrinkling process.  However, they were wrong.  It turns out that our fingers prune underwater not because of them absorbing water or washing away the oils, but because of an evolutionary trait caused by the brain to enhance the grip of our fingers underwater.

     A 2011 study showed that the wrinkling was due to a mechanism triggered by our nervous system.  The study also proved that when our fingers wrinkle, it is easier to grip objects underwater.  It means the wrinkling is an evolutionary response to the change of our environment.

     So, what other simple things about the human body could the scientists be wrong about?  My guess, a bunch!  Those same scientist say we only know 1/10th of 1% of how the human body really functions.  Yet with that limited knowledge, there are many people in the scientific world trying to run and control the human body from the outside. 

     Well as a Chiropractor I have chosen to take a different approach.  I've come to the understanding that the human body is organized and that it's always striving toward being organized.  So with that understanding, I realized long ago that the body is trying to correct its own nerve interference.  The body actually uses its own muscles to pull the bones back into their correct position.  However, sometimes the body can not accomplish this on its own.  That's where I come in as a Chiropractor.  As a Chiropractor, I assist the body in correcting its own spinal misalignments (subluxations).  The best I can hope for as a Chiropractor is to be a part of that correction. 

     So, as a Chiropractor all I need is my two hands and the ability to understand how the body is trying to correct its own spinal subluxations and then just assist it in doing so.  It's that simple!  Schedule an appointment to see how Chiropractic can start helping your body correct these spinal subluxations today!



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