The Flu Season?

     I find it interesting that people still buy into this idea of the “Flu Season” when these same germs have been around all year long.  They don’t just magically show up during the “Flu Season” and disappear when the “season” is over.  Those germs have to have a host in order to survive and proliferate through out the year.  If the host body is unhealthy it is very hospitable to the germs allowing them to survive and proliferate.  However, if the host body is healthy it becomes inhospitable to the germs and they die out. 

     A body becomes more hospitable for germs to get inside and proliferate when it becomes run down by stresses.  When the body is over stressed it can potentially become a breeding ground for the germs to thrive in.  There are three kinds of stresses that the body is exposed to on a daily basis and they are physical, chemical, and mental stresses. 

     This time of the year should more accurately be called the “Stress Season” instead of the “Flu Season” because we are exposed to higher amounts of stress than we are other times of the year.  Halloween just ended and our bodies were exposed to a higher amount of chemical stresses than usual in the form of sugar in the candy that was consumed.  Right around the corner are the Holidays and our bodies will encounter stresses in the form of; physical stresses because we may get out of our normal routines and not work out as much and get less sleep; chemical stresses as many of us tend to eat less healthy than the rest of the year; mental stresses as there tends to be an unusually higher amount of financial stress associated with this time of year; combination of all three stresses as we attend work parties, social events and family gatherings

     An inhospitable environment for the germs can be created in the body by; getting checked at least once a week by a Chiropractor to help take the stress off the nerve system and boost the immune system; exercising regularly; eating healthy foods; drinking plenty of clean water; finding ways to manage stress; getting lots of sunlight. 

     The best approach to staying healthy this “Stress Season” is to implement the elements that create an inhospitable environment for germs as well as produce health within the body so that the body can do what it was designed to do, defend itself naturally, rather than turning to some lotion, potion, pill or shot.


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